วันอาทิตย์ที่ 20 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2559


In my future career or job, I want to own some company about trading or export and import goods. The category is unclear a well as where I can sell. Talking about SWOT analysis, it is a tool to analyze your potential, both internal force and external force. In this case, I have been applied it to my E-Commerce career in the present. Right now, I have been working for one of the company who is doing trading between China and America over a channel of Amazon website 

It is a great opportunities for me. In the past, I have never know such a thing about all the E-commerce over the internet. My weakness of doing business is online market. I do not know where to start a business as well as how to make the advertise, how to make people come to see my product on my page or increasing customer rate. All of this is my weakness that I have known and didn’t know how to solve it. In the business, it is secret to tell other what tool, strategies, outsource company and a plan that you are using on the business. Thus, It is hard for me to find a people to tell me what to do, how to do it .

But IT is helping me there are blog from someone who successful on this trading path who want to share some of their experience and knowledge over the internet. There might be some charge or free of charge depended on who they are.  Moreover, there are some company who are willing to do some job for you or they have some market research  or some tool that make your business easier or less time consuming when you wan to launch your product. They can advertise for you. It make you business better.

In conclusion, I have been reduce my weakness and overcome it by IT. It create competitive advantage over other  as well as create new strength for my company.

